School Curriculum :

Being a CBSE affiliated School a Uniform system of Teaching & Learning, Assessment, Examination and Result is followed as per direction and guidelines of the Board. Teachers regularly attend the Capacity Building Programmes and workshops organised by CBSE and other concern institutions and organisations. The medium of instruction is strictly English. All teachers are trained and conversant in English speaking. CBSE pattern of curriculum is strictly followed.

School Dress :


Days Boys- Summer Boys- Winter
Monday &Tuesday Trousers – Black Colour, Full Sleeves Shirt -Pink Colour, School Tie and Belt, Grey colour Shocks and Black School Shoes Trousers – Black Colour, Full Sleeves Shirt -Pink Colour, School Tie and Belt, Blue Sweater and Blue Blazer school with School monogram. Grey colour Shocks and Black School Shoes
Wednesday &Thursday. Trousers – Grey Colour, Full Sleeves Shirt -White Colour, School Tie and Belt, Trousers – Grey Colour, Full Sleeves Shirt -White Colour, School Tie and Belt, Blue Sweater and Blue Blazer school with School monogram. Grey colour Shocks and Black School Shoes
Friday & Saturday School T-Shirt with School Track Suit White PT Shoes with white shocks. School T-Shirt with School Track Suit, White PT Shoes with white shocks.
Girls - Summer Girls- Winter
Monday &Tuesday Class Nursery to 5th
Trousers – Black Colour, Full Sleeves Shirt -Pink Colour, School Tie and Belt, Grey colour Shocks and Black School Shoes.
Class 6th to 12th
Trousers and Kurta - Pink colour with matching Vasket, Grey colour Shocks and Black School Shoes
Class Nursery to 5th
Trousers – Black Colour, Full Sleeves Shirt -Pink Colour, School Tie and Belt, Blue Sweater and Blue Blazer with School monogram. Grey colour Shocks and Black School Shoes
Class 6th to 12th
Trousers and Kurta - Pink colour with Blue Sweater and Blue Blazer with School monogram. Grey colour Shocks and Black School Shoes
Wednesday &Thursday. Class Nursery to 5th
Trousers – Grey Colour, Full Sleeves Shirt -White Colour, School Tie and Belt,
Class 6th to 12th
Trousers –Grey colour and Kurta with matching Vasket, Grey colour Shocks and Black School Shoes
Class Nursery to 5th
Trousers – Grey Colour, Full Sleeves Shirt -White Colour, School Tie and Belt, Blue Sweater and Blue Blazer school with School monogram. Grey colour Shocks and Black School Shoes
Class 6th to 12th
Trousers –Grey colour and Kurta with Blue Sweater and Blue Blazer with School monogram. Grey colour Shocks and Black School Shoes
Friday & Saturday School T-Shirt with School Track Suit White PT Shoes with white shocks. School T-Shirt with School Track Suit

School Timings :

S.No Months Timings
1 Summer (April to September) 7:30 am to 1:30 pm
2 Winter (August to March) 9:30 am to 3:30 pm

Any change in timings will be duly notified. The school will remain closed on Sundays and other notified holidays (As per declared by Government and local administrations), unless the children are asked to attend special classes. Parents are advised to send their children to school regularly and punctually. They are also advised to pick up their child from the school themselves or through a person authorized by them in writing.